
Reactivity and productivity on logistics operations for animation, field marketing and substitute sales force companies.

For a field marketing company, we made the client more reactive by asking him to send us daily the schedule of the animations, assigned or not, in order to allow us to prepare the kits in advance over two sliding weeks rather than doing it day by day as the assignments were made.


Preparers working on large series that are smoothed out over time have gained in productivity. To finalize the orders, they only need to complete the kits with the individualized elements (outfits that depend on the size of the operator and coupons that depend on the store) and to proceed with the transport labeling.


Having a vision of the entire schedule, we were able to create an automated alert system informing the client in real time of the activities on D-5 that had not yet been assigned to an animator, of the animators who intervened on D-2 and who had not yet retrieved their kits, and of the animators who had not yet returned their kit on D+10 of their activity.

More customer focus