Support control
For all the n°s of transport slips of parcels labelled by our IS the day before, a first control allows us to check the confirmation of taking charge by our carriers in their network.
Harmonization of statutes
As each carrier has its own status nomenclature, we manage mapping tables to provide unique statuses to our customers.
Controls of the hubs' regate codes
The regate code is the carrier's distribution hub code. We check that the code associated with each status is the one of the hub on which the recipient depends for shipments or on which we depend for returns.
Consistency checks
Several algorithms correct inconsistencies in carrier tracking reports: Reversal of status reporting chronology, missing intermediate statuses, abnormal delays, etc. For all abnormal statuses, our customer service department intervenes directly with the recipients and carriers to verify the information and put the correct statuses online.
Control of execution
Colitrace controls the good progress of a certain number of sequences of operations: